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The Board of Directors established various advisory committees to assist in its task. These committees are exclusively composed of non-executive directors. At least one member of each advisory committee (and the majority of the members for the audit committee) is independent within the meaning of Article 3,83° of the Banking Law. The members of these advisory committees sit at a maximum on three of these committees. 

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee advises the Board of Directors on its oversight and audit.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee has an advisory role and  prepares the nominations to be decided upon by the Board of Directors and this  for Belfius Bank, Belfius Insurance,  Corona and Belfius Investment Partners.  Next to this they guard the  application of the corporate governance guidelines. 

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee has an advisory role and  prepares the decisions on  remuneration  for the Board of Directors and this  for Belfius Bank, Belfius Insurance,  Corona and Belfius Investment Partners. 

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee has towards the Board of Directors  the advisory power and responsibility with regard to the risk strategy of the company.